Our Indoor Class Safety Plan

Our Indoor Class Safety Plan 

At RECF we’ve been ahead of the curve on COVID-19 since the beginning. We closed our doors a week before we were required to by law, because we believed it was the right thing to do. 

Instead of rushing back into the gym over the summer as restrictions loosened, we’ve utilized our outdoor workout space instead. We were lucky to have great weather almost every class! 

Instead of going back to full size classes, we’ve limited our classes to 4 spots, even outside. We’ve kept 15 minutes between classes for cleaning & ventilation. 

Despite the sizable financial impact, we cancelled both of our big competitions this year, rather than put anyone at risk unnecessarily. 

Now, we’re coming up on the cold season here in MN. This is our first week of indoor classes back in the gym. We’re still making it our priority to have the safest possible setup for indoor classes. It’s more than just for show — we want to do our part to keep the community healthy, without facilitating any additional spread of the pandemic. 

Here’s 4 reasons we think we’re the safest gym in town right now! 

  1. We’re limiting indoor classes to 4 people + one coach. Smaller classes not only give everyone more space, but also reduces our exposure to additional circles of people. In our small classes, we can actually social distance — not just put some tape lines on the floor and hope for the best. We’re pretty sure masking tape on the floor doesn’t stop the spread of COVID-19. Adequate physical space between humans does, though. Another benefit is our coaches can give tons of 1 on 1 attention to our members every class. It’s more like semi-private training. It’s safer, and our members get amazing value for their membership.

  2. We’re requiring masks at all times. Most gyms are only requiring masks when the members AREN’T working out. When we’re working out, that’s when our respiratory rate is the strongest, which also means we’re increasing the risk of spreading COVID if anyone happened to be positive without realizing it. Requiring masks everywhere except the workout, is like requiring a seat belt in your car, but only when you’re parked in your driveway. It’s just not that helpful. We get it — it’s not super fun to wear a mask working out. But it’s more fun than going back to lockdown, or closing our doors again, or getting COVID.

  3. We’ve got excellent ventilation in our space. Our entire HVAC system was replaced in fall/winter of 2019, with a brand new industrial unit. Our air circulation system replaces the inside air with fresh air at least 3-5 times every hour, 24 hours per day. We may not have a big garage door, but those big doors aren’t helpful in the winter anyway! Our built-in fresh air circulation will help keep our air quality high all winter long.

  4. Most of all, our members are compassionate, kind, and empathetic. They understand that following these precautions doesn’t just protect them, but it protects their families, friends, and anyone else they come in contact with inside or outside the gym. It’s not about us as individuals. It’s about us, together, as a community. We have a responsibility to each other, and we’re doing our best to honor it every time we’re together. Caring for each other is part of who we are at RECF — and not just when It’s convenient & easy! 

We know that some folks won’t be comfortable in an indoor class right now no matter what safety protocols we have in place, and that’s fine! We’re still offering online Zoom classes, online programming, and personal training to make sure every member gets what they need to be successful. 

Due to the class size restrictions, we have a very limited number of spots left in our group training program! If you’re looking to get moving again in the safest possible class environment, sign up for a Free Intro Session today to learn more! 


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Honoring Our Newest 5 Year Members!

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