Immune Boosting Foods: Vitamin C for Longevity

by Rachel, Head Nutrition Coach

Well, it’s here! The winter months are upon us in Minnesota and the cold is quickly guiding us inside for the season. Also the time of year when illness tends to ramp up. As a community working to keep everyone feeling comfortable like washing hands, have tissues on hand, wearing masks when needed, etc. We can also boost our immune system and even build healthier bodies by way of a couple of easy-to-integrate foods rich in vitamin c.

Pro Tip: When we eat along with the seasons and from our local environment, our bodies can more effectively absorb the nutrients since our microbiome is primed to the climate. 

To guide our jump into the season, let’s look at vitamin C. This vital nutrient can strengthen your immune system and promoting collagen production. With greater elasticity of the body tissues, the stronger the cells will be, creating a healthier barrier against allergens. In addition to other wonderful benefits like brighter skin.  

Let’s look at some easy foods to add into your meal planning:

  1. Broccoli and Cauliflower – cruciferous vegetables like these are easy to incorporate into any meal or as a stand alone side dish… roast them with salt, pepper and olive oil with a squeeze of lemon
  2. Bell Peppers – red, orange or yellow, take your pick! It’s a good time of year for an easy stuffed pepper recipe… hearty and easy-to-go leftovers for lunch the next day
  3. Potatoes! Meal planning couldn’t get any easier than with these gems… they are packed with vitamin c and are so versatile that they work for breakfast (sweet potato is great with a poached egg and green onion), lunch and dinner

Pro tip: Citrus juice based beverages like grapefruit juice and sparkling water make for a versatile offering at any holiday gathering. Add a sprig of rosemary for garnish.

Holiday Inspiration Bonus: get creative with multiple sources of inspiration for vitamin C foods like a roasted broccoli and citrus side dish for a holiday gathering.  

Go with what works for your lifestyle, what’s doable and accessible. So if that means a supplement, go for it!


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