Getting Back to the Gym

by Lianna C., RECF member

Are you someone who had a good workout routine going, but life got in the way? Here are some simple tips to help you get back into the groove!

Getting Back to the Gym

If you’ve been away from the gym for a few weeks or longer, getting back into a workout routine can feel like a monumental task. Maybe you’re worried about feeling extra sore, having lost strength or you simply don’t have the energy to get out the door and into the gym. We wanted to offer a few practical tips that can jumpstart your gym habit.

Grab an Accountability Buddy

Text a gym friend and plan to come to a class together. Not only will you feel motivated by seeing your friend, you’ll have accountability to show up. No close friends at the gym? Head over to our member Facebook group and post about needing some accountability. We’re all here for each other at Ripple Effect and perhaps someone else is looking to be held accountable too. Even better if you plan a social outing after – coffee, a walk to cool down or just a chat before heading home.

Start Small

Some people who have been away from the gym may want to come in and do a no-holds-barred 40 minute chipper to really get back into it. Not only do we not normally program such long workouts, but we don’t recommend trying to punish yourself back into fitness. Instead, plan to come and do a scaled version of the workout. You can even communicate with the coach ahead of time to find out what modifications may be available. We’re always happy to scale movements and reps and suggest lower impact options if you’re just getting back after a long hiatus. You’ll leave feeling accomplished for coming and you won’t be sore for a week after!

Plan Ahead

Look at your calendar and plan for 2-3 classes or PT sessions a week. Set yourself up for success by leaving right from work to come to the gym or set your alarm a bit early to drink a cup of coffee before heading out the door. Set out your clothes ahead of time, plan for a yummy snack after a hard session and make sure to bring a water bottle to keep you hydrated during your workout. Try and take away as many barriers to getting out the door as possible and remember, the gym is fun!

We’re Here for You

Remember, your fellow classmates and coaches are all on your side. We want you to be successful. Want a text reminder to plan your week of classes? Let us know! Want help finding an accountability buddy? We’re happy to help. Pushing through the inertia of not working out is difficult, we’ve certainly all been there before, but with a little bit of help, we know we’ll see you soon.


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