These Are The Days To Remember

One of the hardest things to do as a 21st century human, is to actually live in the moment. We’re constantly bombarded with reminders of what we don’t have. We see everyone else’s highlight reels on social media. We’re busy — always moving from one thing to the next thing, always in a state of anticipation. We’re trying to get through this part, to get to the “good” part.

But what if THIS is the good part? What if this is the part of your life that you’ll look back on wistfully, wishing you could go back? 

Stop for two seconds and look around you for the good things in your life. You might have it all right now, and not even realize it. Write down the things that are making you happy right now. Take it all in. Hug your loved ones. Do the things that bring you joy. Use that vacation time. 

We don’t know what life will look like tomorrow, or in a week or a month or a year or ten years. The only constant in this world is change. What’s here today may be gone tomorrow.

Let’s make today count. 


Trans folks are welcome here.

Trans folks are welcome here. That’s it. Thats the whole post. We see the efforts being made by the new administration to target the Trans

Honoring Our Newest 5 Year Members!

Ripple Effect first opened in June 2019. This January/February, we have FOUR new clients being inducted into the Five Year hall of fame! That means


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