Big Changes, One Step at a Time: Nutrition Coaching at RECF
“Since the pandemic started, I know I’ve picked up some bad habits.”
If we had a nickel for every time we heard that quote in the past few months…we’d have a lot of nickels.
We know there’s a huge need out there right now to help folks start identifying and adjusting the habits that are holding them back from better health. Our Nutrition Coaching program does exactly that!
We all make dozens of choices every single day that impact how we feel physically, our body composition, our energy levels, how we feel about ourselves, and our overall happiness and life satisfaction. Nutrition isn’t just about food!
With our nutrition clients, we look at a holistic view of their current daily habits across many categories, including:
- EATING — What we eat, when we eat it, how much we eat
- DRINKING — Hydration levels, alcohol consumption
- SLEEP — How much sleep we’re getting, our bedtime routine, sleep environment
- STRESS — How we manage stress, our mindset, how to focus and prioritize
- MOVEMENT — Establishing an active lifestyle and moving away from sedentary living
- CONNECTION — Making sure the right people, resources, and educational components are in place for success
It may seem overwhelming to look at all of this at once. And you’re right! It would be too overwhelming. You can’t prioritize everything at once.
During our intake interview we gather tons of info about your daily habits within these areas. Then, we work together to prioritize what ONE thing would be the most impactful thing to change right now. We decide together on a specific goal for the following week, that is doable, sustainable, and easy to keep track of. Every week we touch base to see how it went and make adjustments as we go. Once we feel like that change is firmly a habit, we’ll add something new!
We continue to run through this process over time. The ultimate goal is every week, every month, we’re helping you build new habits that will last for the long haul.
Here are some examples of real-life healthy habits we’ve been working on with our nutrition clients lately:
- — Drinking more water throughout the day
- — Taking small 10 minute breaks away from the desk during the work day to stretch
- — Eating more vegetables at lunch
- — Taking a few minutes at the beginning of the week to write down weekly priorities
- — Eating more protein with breakfast
We meet people where they’re at. Our goal is long-lasting, small healthy changes that result in big gains over time. If you’re looking for a “quick fix” crash diet or challenge, this is not the program for you.
We’re here to be on your team — support you when you need it, answer your questions, and be a non-judgmental guide to help you keep finding ways to move forward a little bit every day. It’s truly amazing what a little focus and accountability can do!
Just to be clear, here’s a few things we DON’T do in our program:
- — Make you track all your food
- — Give you a meal plan for every meal
- — Put you on any sort of restrictive diet or cleanses
- — Make you feel guilty or judged for the choices you make
- — Use a one-size-fits-all approach
- — Treat or cure medical conditions or diseases
Sound like something you’d like to try? Coming up March 1st, we’re launching our Healthy Habits Kickstart program to give you an awesome introduction to our nutrition program! We’ll take you through the basics of changing your habits, get you connected with other awesome folks who are getting started just like you, and ultimately help you see the incredible benefits of paying attention to your nutrition habits. It’s a great mix of community, individual coaching, education, and accountability for four weeks.
We’re confident it’ll be the best $99 you spend in 2021.
You can sign up for the Healthy Habits Kickstart here!
Interested in starting 1 on 1 nutrition coaching right away? Sign up for a Free Intro Call right here! We can coach you virtually anywhere in the world.