We’re two months into the year and winter is still strong and steady here in Minnesota. As a little support, here are a few journal prompts to check in on your health goals and rekindle inspiration.
Take a few moments to jot down whatever comes forward without pressure! Or sit with the question(s) as you move through the week. Pick one or pick more that you relate to.
- What are three small things you can do for your health and wellness goals this week? The simpler the better!
- Envision how you want to feel by the end of next month. What is one step to move you towards that goal you can commit to each week?
- What is one thing you can commit to today to move towards your goals? Take a class at the gym, another glass of water, etc.
- Reflect on three things that made you feel better about your goals – personal, professional, etc. – since the New Year. How will you encourage yourself to continue?
- Finish this sentence: By the time the snow melts, I will have….
See you in the gym!