CrossFit Myth Busting: “I’m not in good enough shape to do CrossFit.”

It’s 2020! A new year. A fresh start. Lots of people look to start new habits, new adventures, and new steps on their fitness journey during this season. Maybe you’re considering CrossFit this year! But maybe you’re wondering if it’s something you could handle.

Over the next week, we will talk candidly about some of the most pervasive myths about CrossFit, that keep people from giving it a try. Generally speaking, there’s a serious disconnect between what most people think CrossFit is, and what is actually happening in your neighborhood CrossFit affiliate. We’re here to set the record straight! 

CrossFit Myth Busting #1: “I’m not in good enough shape to do CrossFit!”

We hear this one a lot, or one of the variants:
“I’d need to work out a lot more before I can start CrossFit!”
“I’d never be strong enough to do something like that!”
“I’d have to lose a lot of weight first.” 

One of the core tenets of CrossFit is scalability. Despite what you may have heard, or what you may have stumbled upon on ESPN, CrossFit in an everyday gym setting is one of the most accessible exercise programs ever created! You do NOT have to be in good shape to do CrossFit. There are lots of really fit people who do CrossFit, but there’s a whole lot more regular folks who have used CrossFit to find their inner athlete for the first time.

It’s not a program just for fit people. It’s a program to get people fit!

There is literally only ONE prerequisite to start CrossFit: Are you cleared by your doctor for exercise? If the answer is Yes…you’re in. That’s it. 

If you’re overweight, or coming in with an injury or disability, or you’re scared, you’ve never lifted weights before, you can’t go up a flight of stairs without getting winded…we can work with you here at Ripple Effect. You can literally be missing parts of all your limbs and still do CrossFit. We work with clients of all ages, all skill levels, and a variety of health backgrounds & issues that require special attention. 

At Ripple Effect, our coaches are masters of modification. We make sure every workout is adjusted to be challenging, but still doable. All you need to do is show up and give your best effort! We’ll make sure you are getting a good sweat, staying safe, and having fun. 

That being said, there is a learning curve to CrossFit. Because our program is so inclusive of different types of movements and workouts, there’s a lot to learn! That’s why we start off every new member with our On Ramp program before moving into group classes. 

But really, On Ramp is about more than just learning some new movements. It’s about making sure you’re feeling comfortable and confident in our space. It’s about building trusting relationships with our coaches. From day 1, we want you to feel like you CAN do this. Maybe you’ll have to modify every single movement. Maybe you’ll be taking a lot more rest than your fellow gym mates at first. That’s OK! We’re just happy you’re here! 

Nobody at Ripple Effect will ever judge you based on your performance in a work out, or how much you can lift, or how you look in your workout clothes. If you got yourself in the door, you’re part of the team. We’re all here trying to better ourselves. 


If you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life in 2020…sign up for a Free Intro Session and let’s get started! 

We’re just a bunch of regular folks, trying to get a little fitter every day.


Trans folks are welcome here.

Trans folks are welcome here. That’s it. Thats the whole post. We see the efforts being made by the new administration to target the Trans

Honoring Our Newest 5 Year Members!

Ripple Effect first opened in June 2019. This January/February, we have FOUR new clients being inducted into the Five Year hall of fame! That means


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