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Ripple Effect Leadership in Fitness Scholarship

We are so excited to announce a new initiative at Ripple Effect: our Leadership in Fitness Scholarship! We’re awarding a $500 scholarship to a BIPOC college student who is studying health & fitness, and wants to make a positive impact on their community. For more details and info about why

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“You should stick to fitness.”

Since the beginning of 2021, we’ve been working on being more vocal and specific when it comes to our core values. We want everyone to know what our goals are as a community. Since the inception of Ripple Effect, we’ve operated differently than many other microgyms. Smaller space, smaller classes,

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Gyms for Justice

Dear community members,  Since the murder of George Floyd, it has become apparent that every facet of our lives needs to include anti-racism work. This includes the businesses we frequent, and the businesses we run.  As small business owners, we know that our decisions directly impact our customers and our

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