Are You Plugged In?

Are You Plugged In? by Coach Chris

A month ago I was challenged by my business mentor and a group of other gym owners to publish a piece of content every day for 30 days. Every single day, I’d need to write a blog post, record a video, or some other piece of content beyond a regular social media post.

I love to write on the blog. But for the majority of 2020 I had mostly been silent. Getting “back on the horse” felt daunting. I felt like I didn’t have time. I convinced myself that I didn’t really have much to write about at the moment so I should just wait. 

That waiting turned into total stagnation. Before this challenge, I had only posted 3 or 4 blog posts the entire year. For someone who loves to write, and is running a business that relies on quality content to keep people engaged…that’s just not good enough.

I committed to the 30 day challenge. We had a thread in our private FB group where we’d all post links to our daily content, so A) we could stay accountable and B) we could be inspired by each other’s content ideas. 

Guess what? Today is day 30. This is post number 30. If you’re wondering why we’ve suddenly been cranking out blog and videos lately, now you know! 

Writing a blog post feels easy. I’m much more comfortable recording videos than I used to be. The 30 day challenge has helped me build up a new habit. Will I still blog or video every single day? Probably not. But 2-3 times per week will feel like a piece of cake now!

This challenged worked because I had accountability and inspiration from the group. I got FB notifications when other folks commented on the thread, so I’d be reminded if I forgot. I wanted to keep up! It was also great to have each other’s posts to read, so if we were feeling stuck on finding a topic, we could help each other. Other folks in the group chimed in with encouragement throughout. Because I was plugged in to this little group, everything felt so much more doable. Now, creating content feels easy. It’s just something I do.

Right now, we see that a lot of people are feeling totally out of whack with their health & fitness.

If working out feels like a daunting task…

If you’re waiting until things “settle down” to get started again…

If you feel like you don’t have time…

It sounds like you just need to get plugged in. You need a push to get started. Our coaches and members can do that for you. We all rely on each other to keep going when times are tough. We can help you stay accountable, and be inspired. Give us 30 days, just like my challenge.  Sign up for a Free Intro and let’s get you what you need to start taking steps in the right direction again. No pressure, no gimmicks. We’re here to help.

What have you got to lose?


Trans folks are welcome here.

Trans folks are welcome here. That’s it. Thats the whole post. We see the efforts being made by the new administration to target the Trans

Honoring Our Newest 5 Year Members!

Ripple Effect first opened in June 2019. This January/February, we have FOUR new clients being inducted into the Five Year hall of fame! That means


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